

16 Flack Avenue, Hillsdale
NSW 2036
ABN 32 673 397 503

Invoice Number INV-0169
Invoice Date May 28, 2023
Total Due $4,950.00
Decro group

9 Wentworth Street, Parramatta

Hrs/Qty Service Rate/PriceSub Total
1 bega inside linemarking

-Grinding area : 12.9m2
-2 pedestrian crossing red and yellow with border line 13.5m2
- 3 x ( no storage zone )leterring 300mm high
-hatching area in yellow 56m2
- set up surface + apply sealer on top of the the paint

Sub Total $4,500.00
Tax $450.00
Total Due $4,950.00

Bsb : 032-257
Acct number : 654 807