

16 Flack Avenue, Hillsdale
NSW 2036
ABN 32 673 397 503

Invoice Number INV-0144
Invoice Date April 6, 2023
Total Due $7,922.20
Decro group

9 Wentworth Street, Parramatta

Hrs/Qty Service Rate/PriceSub Total
1 Prépare and paint 79ml of linemarking
1 21 x Prepare and paint number
1 15m2 of hatching
1 1 x disabled bay
1 Paint 4 x basket ball court + 4 x volley ball court $6,000.00$6,000.00
Sub Total $7,202.00
Tax $720.20
Total Due $7,922.20

Bsb : 032-257
Acct number : 654 807