16 Flack Avenue, Hillsdale
NSW 2036
ABN 32 673 397 503
Invoice Number | INV-0285 |
Invoice Date | December 21, 2023 |
Total Due | $9,363.20 |
Hrs/Qty | Service | Rate/Price | Sub Total |
1 | Fire exit path rd 5 : 5m2 of green + 8ml yellow line |
$258.00 | $258.00 |
1 | City end RD 5 : 23 pedestrian bars ( 1.200 x 0.300mm ) |
$690.00 | $690.00 |
1 | Fire exit path rd 5 : 7.2m2 of green + 12ml of yellow line |
$322.00 | $322.00 |
1 | City end rd 5 inside area : duplicate the pattern on rd 5 hatching + yellow line + 8 pedestrians bars : area 2.4 x 8 m |
$816.00 | $816.00 |
1 | City end rd 5 : 6m2 of green + 10ml of yellow line |
$390.00 | $390.00 |
1 | Storage outline country end rd 5 : 6m x 3m = 18ml of yellow line |
$62.00 | $62.00 |
1 | City end rd 5 : 21.2m2 of green + 40ml of yellow line |
$870.00 | $870.00 |
1 | City end rd 5 : duplicate the pattern on rd 5 hatching + yellow line + 8 pedestrians bars : area 2.4 x 8 m |
$816.00 | $816.00 |
1 | Country end rd 5 : duplicate the pattern on rd 5 hatching + yellow line + 8 pedestrians bars : area 2.4 x 8 m |
$816.00 | $816.00 |
1 | Fire exit path rd : 7.2m2 of green + 12ml of yellow line + 2m2 of grey out |
$422.00 | $422.00 |
1 | Fire exit path rd 5 : 5 pedestrian bars + 2m2 of grey out |
$210.00 | $210.00 |
1 | Inside rd 5 area : 4m2 of grey to match surrounding floor |
$110.00 | $110.00 |
1 | Carpark area : remove 1 wheelstop + 1 car bays and make hatching area approx 17m2 |
$510.00 | $510.00 |
1 | Outside : 5 pedestrians bars + grey out 5m2 ( duplicate same is on another tracks ) |
$300.00 | $300.00 |
1 | 3 day establishment fee 2 workers | $1,920.00 | $1,920.00 |
Sub Total | $8,512.00 |
Tax | $851.20 |
Total Due | $9,363.20 |
Bsb : 032-257
Acct number : 654 807