

16 Flack Avenue, Hillsdale
NSW 2036
ABN 32 673 397 503

Invoice Number INV-0101
Invoice Date February 11, 2023
Total Due $2,046.00
Signarama alexandria
Hrs/Qty Service Rate/PriceSub Total
1 14 x car bays with number ( 2 digit )300mm high
1 40 ml of white line with lettering ( RETURNS ) 300mm high
1 6 arrows ( 3m high )
1 Stop line 3m + lettering STOP 300mm high
1 Pedestrian crossing 30 pedestrian bars 0.8x0.5 $450.00$450.00
Sub Total $1,860.00
Tax $186.00
Total Due $2,046.00

Bsb : 032-257
Acct number : 654 807