16 Flack Avenue, Hillsdale
NSW 2036
ABN 32 673 397 503
Quote Number | QUO-1117 |
Quote Date | January 22, 2025 |
Total | $34,526.25 |
Hrs/Qty | Service | Rate/Price | Sub Total |
1 | SECTION E: item 7.3 - C1 approx 927m A1 Dulux road master |
$4,635.00 | $4,635.00 |
1 | SECTION E: item 77.11 - S5 / S4 approx 901m A1 Dulux road master |
$4,505.00 | $4,505.00 |
1 | SECTION E: item 7.12 - TB approx 7.5 A1 Dulux road master |
$37.50 | $37.50 |
16 | SECTION E: item 77.13 - Symbols A1 Dulux road master |
$50.00 | $800.00 |
2 | SECTION E: item 7.14 - Green Cycle Lane Road Paint, with Yellow Edge Line Treatment for Shared Areas approx 55m2 total A1 Dulux road master |
$1,375.00 | $2,750.00 |
50 | SECTION E: item 76.2 - Signs - small (single GI post) Supply and install Signs in accordance with Australian standard |
$275.00 | $13,750.00 |
1 | SECTION E: item 6.5 - Handrail Type A approx 39m Supply and install Handrails Type A in accordance with Australian standard |
$1,950.00 | $1,950.00 |
5 | SECTION E: item 6.6 - Handrail Type B Supply and install Handrails Type B in accordance with Australian standard |
$250.00 | $1,250.00 |
3 | SECTION E: item 6.8 - Deflection rail Supply and install Deflection rails in accordance with Australian standard |
$250.00 | $750.00 |
1 | Establishment Fee All work to be conducted in accordance with Australian standards |
$960.00 | $960.00 |
Sub Total | $31,387.50 |
Tax | $3,138.75 |
Total | $34,526.25 |